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information of the simplest principles connected with a popular election.

Some families had actually left Ky bag and baggage, saying that they were told if they did not come into this state before election, they would be for all time disbared  from making Tennessee their home. these with many other misrepresentations had to be corrected. But the great obstacle with which we had to contend, and which will be a perpetual shame to this people, were the threats made that if the negro "voted for Brownlow they would be their personal and political enemies and true to their threats in many instances, they stood near the ballot box, that is in the out-of-the-way towns, and with an oath told the poor negro if he put in that vote, he must leave their plantation, and loose all he had made or earned. I have done what I could to stay this storm of persecution and prevented the greater portion of those off their employees to take them back. In each case, when they have done so, it was with