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in course of erection. It will be completed during the month of August, when a school will immediately be opened. I have had ample opportunity of conferring with intelligent and loyal citizens from all parts of the counties under my charge, during the session of the Circuit Court at this place last week and they report everything quiet and no outrages committed on the blacks."
Mr. Allen, in charge of the counties of Madison, Henderson and Decatur reports that the freedpeople are doing very well, the prospects of the crops are good, and the people are industriously at work. A temperance society has been formed under the name of the "Jackson Division of the Lincoln Temperance Society," and the prospects are that it will rapidly increase in size and accomplish much good.
There is in this district a great prejudice against the colored people and it requires quite an effort to obtain for them justice before the Courts, and in many localities it is utterly impossible to secured it.
The school at Jackson has been closed for the past month but will open again this fall.
Mr. Poston in charge