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Bureau Refugees and Abn'd Lands
Sub Asst Comm Office
Nashville Sub District
Nashville Sept 6th 1867.

Bt Maj Genl Wm P. Carlin
Asst Commr Tenn


I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau in the Nashville Sub. Dist and outrages committed therein during the month of August 1867.

Joel B. Smith Agent for the counties of Bedford, Coffee and Franklin Tenn thus reports. 


While there has been no public demonstration of the advancement of the cause of Temperance, in this district during the month, yet amidst the excitements consequent upon the late elections the Agent after enquiring has failed to learn of a single case of drunkeness as having occurred during the month by any freedman who was a resident of the district. The sons of Temperance (white) have made the necessary arrangements to secure able speakers to canvass and advocate