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the cause of Temperance in this district and an earnest invitation is extended to the freedmen to attend these meetings from which it is hoped good will result. 

In the neighboring county of Lincoln an outrage was committed without provocation upon a freedman by the name of Edmond Green by Lacy Babo, Elijah Babo and Doak Bly white citizens. The civil authorities not taking cognizance of it, the Agent proceeded there in compliance with instructions received from Asst Commr and found upon investigation that on Saturday Aug 3d. Edmond in the employ of Mr. Saul Babo (farmer) had left off work at noon agreeable to the custom of the country and as alleged to specified agreement with Mr B. and was proceeding to his home some three mules distant when he was overtaken by the two young Babo's and Bly, and ordered back under sever penalty, as an alternative he started back protesting that his time was up, whereupon they set upon him with clubs and beat him, and as he was escaping from them was shot at twice by Elijah Babo, and