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have occurred during the month in the counties comprised in the Agents district that has come to his knowledge. During and since the late elections, quiet has prevailed a free exercise of the franchise privilege was had by them, reports of proscription on account of political differences have been few, and an investigation of these has proven them to be unfounded or to have originated from a mutual agreed settlement by parties from which garbled reports originated. The implicable hostility that seems to be cherished by a few white citizens against the freedman as a political equal is futile, as an attempt at widening a breach between the races and must necessarily be ignored as their mutual dependencies are made apparent conformity to the laws by the freedmen and its enforcement by the civil authorities, regardless of color would soon obliterate obsticles of reconciliations the agent fails to perceive that any permanent estrangement has resulted from the freedmen having voted their sentiments the freedmen are fast being satisfied