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freedmen in my district is better at the present time than it has been since the rebillion. 

J.K. Nelson Agent for the counties of Cannon and Rutherford reports. 

This month opened with Election day. The bad passions of bad men had almost been kindled to a flame and had it not been for the timely presence of a company of the State Guards at this place on that day, we have every reason to believe that trouble would have resulted. 

The general feeling of the people all over the State is so well understood that it is hardly necessary to enter into extended detail of events in this particular locality. Yet that feeling in this locality cannot be explained so as to be fully understood in any ordinary report that of a large majority of the white citizens was intensely bitter against the State Authorities. 

After every effort to persuade the freedmen that their late masters were their best friends had failed, they resorted to every expedient to intimidate