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by threats of proscription in many cases and even sometimes of violence. The result shows the moral courage of the freedmen.

The election  passed off very quietly and peaceably although the indignation among the color men when they discovered a trick that was being played upon their ignorance by some of the police and others was very strong. The trick was this. Late in the day one party had secured tickets the same color of those of the other party & they would ask each man as he was crowding to the polls who he was going to vote for, and in response to his reply would say "that's right, let me see your ticket". Another of the same color but with different names upon it would be returned with the reassurance that it was "allright" and so the confiding colored men would vote it. 

The day passed off so peacefully that Capt Hall returned to Nashville that night with his company. The next morning an exponent of the feeling of this people was perceived