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of late the Lord has gathered home one of the old Justice this leaves a vacancy that with the assistance of the freedmen can be filled by one that has law and justice for his rule of action and not that "a nigger wont work."

There are some evil-disposed persons in this and adjourning counties after their crop is made who make an effort to have trouble with their help, with a view if possible to compell the freedmen to leave their plantations, thinking thereby they are relieved from the obligations of the contract, these cases are so numerous that in my opinion we ought the ensuing year to leave out that portion of the forms of the contract used by the Bureau that permits the employer to retain one half of the wages of the freedmen, till the close of the year &c. I have been drawing contracts, making the continuance of the help mutual, putting as it were the employer and the employed upon their good behavior. I wish to call your attention to a Freemen's school at