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K. J. Sample, agent for the counties of DeKalb, Smith and Wilson Tenn reports. During the month of August I have been informed of several outrages having been committed by whites upon colored citizens in the County of Smith. On investigation I have learned that the parties have been held to bail, or prosecuted in the Civil Courts, but with what result, I am not informed. 

I have been much annoyed at the delays and obsticles thrown in the way by officers of the Civil Courts to prevent the freedman from obtaining justice in the Co. of Wilson.

The intense feeling on the part of white citizens to the present states of the freedman cannot be overcome by those who have always looked upon the Col'd men as an inferior lot of beings, when this feeling exists in the hearts of men who have sought to destroy this Gov't, and are now disfranchised because of that act.

The prejudice existing among the white citizens of this Co. is such as to prevent any attorney from appearing in court for the freedmen without