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authorities. The civil authorities yet discountenance the freedmen and do not (in many cases) track these cases justly. They seem to offer bribes to magistrates to decide against them and leave them with no protection but the opinion of the people. Within the last three weeks it has been much worse than before more complaints have been made by the freedmen of the treatment. 

H.C. McQuiddy Agent for the counties of Macon & Sumner Tenn. reports as follows.

Assaults and Persecutions
In the case of State vs. Dick Love for assaulting Nancy Elliot, the prosecutor Nancy Elliot was induced by some means or other not to appear the costs of the suit were put upon Deft

I had received no notice consequently was not present.

State vs. Trimble for assauling Randal (cold) Trimble has undertaken to raise a crop with only a fence of dogs & gun Randal has hogs which run at large which sometimes will get over such a fence, on one such occasion Randal