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Franklin near Saundersville on the night of the 20th Aug and at the same time John Odem, son of Nelson was severely wounded, a thorough investigation and examination of all persons known to be present, elicited the following facts. That some person came to the house at about 11 oclock, or a little before and demanded admittance, were asked by Nelson's wife what they wanted? response, something to eat, We have nothing cooked who are you? friends we want to smoke, let us in or we will burn your damned shanty down. We don't let folks in at night unless we know their names. several shots were then fired by the murderers one ball wounding John Odem, in a few moments they broke the door down, rushed in with pistols in hand first caught Gus, (a boy of 17 or 18 yrs of age and son of Nelson) searched him for a pistol, asked him where that pistol was, he told them that he did not have it, that his father had it, they then turned him loose and rushed upon Nelson, knocked him down, he attempted to rise and they