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the last few months.

The conduct practiced and injustice perpetrated by many parties in the Sub Dist is highly disgraceful. 

The proscription (as taught by some of the press) has ceased yet nevertheless continued in another and more agravated form.

Freedmen are driven off the plantations and otherwise maltreated ostensibly for neglect of duty but in reality for the manner in which they rated, as well as that it may put money into the pockets of the employers.

The section of the Sub District in which this injustice prevails is mostly Giles Rutherford Williamson Montgomery and Sumner Counties. The conduct of the citizens of Sumner Co in driving and expelling from their sections, those ex Militia soldiers who have been lately disbanded is disgraceful and prejudiced to the best interest of the county. In contradistinction to this I willingly bear testimony to the assistance and aid given the Bureau, in