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the arrest and condemnation of the act of the murderers of Nelson Franklin, an inoffensive  Col'd man living at Sandersville, Sumner Co Tenn and for which the Shie brothers Eli Shie and Jim Shie have been tried before a committing court and having been found guilty of the charges prefessed have been placed in Jail to await trial before the next term of criminal count for murder. The murder of the col'd girl Sarah Martin in Cannon Co is most revolting after being ravished her throat was cut with some blunt instrument. She was only 14 years of age. I regret that the perpetrators are yet at large. 

The outrage perpetrated in Lincoln Co by Babo & Bly (white) for shooting at Edmund Green (col'd) is only one of the many instances that have occurred in the Sub Dist during the month 

The conduct of the citizens manifested towards Capt Judd Agent at Pulaski is in the highest degree reprehensible and shows a malignant and traitorous disposition. 

The case of Selah, col'd woman