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who was sold and sent south to Miss. in 1858 by Henry Jackson living near Triune Williamson Co Tenn. is bad. She Selah recently returned and went for her children Peyton Sam and Margrett Ann aged respectively about 10 or 11 years to Henry Jackson. She found her son 11 years of age in the most pitiable condition owing to the brutal treatment of his master.

Last winter he was obliged to work without shoes and on one cold Sabbath last winter he was sent to cut wood and his feet were so frozen that all the toes on one foot and part of the large toe on the other rotted off. After this had happened Jackson beat him savagely, twice knocking him senseless or to use the childs expression "killed him". At one time he threw him into a pond of water declaring he would drown him, and actually did throw him in but the boy managed to struggle  out. At another time, he threatened to throw him into a kettle of boiling water