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discharged for voting the Radical ticket; their employers console themselves with the thought or reflection that as the Government has taken such decided measures against it, they will wait and discharge them only as soon as their contracts expire.

The Rev. Lorenzo Lea at Jackson reports, "One school at that place with two teachers, one white and one colored and 66 scholars. One Sabbath School at that place with from 50 to 75 scholars. There is a manifest increase of intrest in the school on the part of the community of white citizens. My position is beginning to be quite respectable and I shall be succeeded by the Hon. Robt. Hurt, Ex Member of the State Legislature.

L.T. Squire, Agent for the Counties of Weakly [[Weakley Co.]], Henry, Carroll and Benton, assumed charge of those Counties Aug. 23d, and has had but little time to learn of the condition of the affairs of the freedpeople in his district. As far as he has been able to learn he reports every thing quiet.

Mr. Hurst in charge of the Counties of McNairy, Henderson, Hardin & Decatur and Mr Poston in charge of the counties of Haywood, Tipton and Lauderdale have neither of them furnished this Office with their Monthly Reports. Mr. Poston under date of Aug. 11th reports that no cases have been reported to him where freedmen have been discharged for voting the Radical ticket on the 1st inst. there were many threats but none put