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was alleged to reject many persons who were residents of this County.

The schools in this City are closed for the summer with the exception of one or two private schools. During the  last month 336 1/2 rations were issued to destitute freepeople in Shelly County. The No. of persons thus assisted were 50. Adults 36; children 14. In addition to this, 806 rations were issued to the Memphis Colored Orphan Asylum. After the election a disposition was shown to discharge the freedmen who had voted the Radical Ticket. The number of cases reported to this office were 212. I immediately furnished the parties with employment. The work of prescription earned after ten or twelve days and the demand for labor became very great, and had I had the men, I could have easily given good and steady employment to at least 700. During the month of Aug. I received from Bt. Brig. Genl. G. W. Balloch Chf. D.O. $27,245.54 for the payment of bounties to discharged colored soldiers. Of this amount $20,129.95 has been paid, numbering 85 bounty claims.

I am Lieutenant
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
F. M H. Kendrick
Capt. & Actg. Sub-Asst Comr.