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State of Feeling on the part of citizens toward Freedmen and the Bureau. Also views and Suggestions of the Sub-Asst. Commissioner.

These seems to be a marked change for the better in the feeling, on the part of citizens toward the Freedmen in this Sub-District", since my last "Monthly Report"; at least the animosity. and bitterness. which was exhibited prior to the late election. has ceased. and everything has been unusually quiet since.  Although trouble was anticipated at many points, the election on the 1st inst, passed off without any disturbance, and not a single outrage of any kind. has been reported since. Very few of the many threats made by parties having Freedmen employed, that they would discharge them. in case they voted contrary to their wishes. - have been carried out: and I am satisfied, that, although the "Conservative Press" of this city advocates it. - few cases of the kind will occur.

The Freedmen. throughout this district. are reported. as working industriously: