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and, as crops of all kinds are unusually large, it is expected that they will be entirely 
self-sustaining during the coming winter. 

The Schools which have had vacation during the last two months are all expected [[to]] begin again during the first of the [[coming?]] week.

Mr. James M Johnson, Agent at Chattanooga, reports that he has disbursed twenty two thousand (22,000) dollars during the month in payment of Bounty to Colord men, late Soldiers, and that many of them are leaving that point, with a view to settleing with their relatives and friends, at other points. During the past three weeks I have been busily engaged under the direction of Brvt. Brig. Genl. Geo. W. Balloch, Chief D.O. Bureau. R F.and A Lands, Washington D.C. in having Colored Bounty Claimants. No money has yet been received, but I expect during the coming week to receive, and pay out, at least twenty thousand (20,000) dollars for this purpose. 

I visited Jonesboro. Washington County. during the month, and found that the