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religious exercises. Revivals are numerous throughout the district


Again it becomes the pleasant duty of the agent to bear testimony to the peaceful bearing of the Citizens of his Dist towards each other. No disturbance of any kind have come to the knowledge of the agent during the month past. Dislikes engendered by political differences are fast giving way to better judgment and reflection seems fruitful of peace quietude, and harmony of feeling, and action so essential to the social and moral advancement of all.

J K Nelson. Agent for the Counties of Cannon and Rutherford reports.

I have delivered one Bounty this month of $289.50/100 also money for commutation of Rations, amounting to $58.25/100 and $48.25/100 respectively. I have also paid John Mathews the last cent due him from Osborne and Dromgoole, the amt being $94.50/100

The enforcement of the landlords lean upon crops in Rutherford Co. will cause considerable distress among the Freedmen. Quite a number of men without means have rented land at a high figure, and sublet it to Col'd men for a part of the crop, and in many cases the entire crop will scarcely pay the rent. This the landowner can levy upon, and thus deprive the laborer of the least reward for his labor.