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Jas. Haynes for assaulting Rose Margum was let off with the costs of the suit.

The trial before a Committing Court of James and Eli Shie, the supposed murderers of Nelson Franklin resulted in their Committal for trial at the next term of the Criminal Court

Harper stripped and beat a Colored Woman most unmercifully for telling tales on him, as he said, No action has been taken in the case

- Schools -

We have as yet no schools in this district. The Secty of the Commission in Cincinnati stated that he cannot send teachers this winter Lt Philips says however that he will open one soon & also take charge of the night school for men - his idea is to charge the people 50¢ or $1.00 per month but I fear that this would be a precarious support to depend upon.

The people of Lafayette Macon Co are anxious to establish a school there this winter. They never had a school there, several Col'd men called upon me to ascertain what can be done for them in the way of schools. They have endeavored to purchase land for the building of a school house but the owners declared that no nigger school house should be in their neighborhood and that no land should be sold for that purpose