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all winter. I will however make a special report as soon as the list can be completed .

There has been one case of outrage committed in this vicinity since my last report. A colored man named John Watkins was accused of some desperate act by some parties in Todd Co Ky. They pursued him to this City and when about to kill him with their revolvers were stopped by a Policeman. The Atty General being near at the time instructed the Policeman to give the Negro up to the possession of his pursuers, when they bound him hand and foot, and took him back & I am informed is in jail in Trenton Ky. All this occurred in a very few minutes. I will ascertain the full particulars of this case and report to you.

No rations have been issued last month. The schools in this Sub District are about opening for a new year. The provisions for the education of Colored youth will be more ample than last resulting from an increase of the agencies engaged in the work. This is a noticeable fact that the Freedmen are opening many private schools which they propose to sustain, but over which they ask the Sup't of Education in the Bureau to exercise supervision.
A recent enrollment of Colored children of school ago in Nashville gives 2216, and only 450 of these