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are in the schools established by the City. The remainder are left for charity and private schools.

I am pleased to have to report a decided improvement in the Sub District for the past month upon the condition of the Freedmen and that matters have gone on better than could have been anticipated. The only outrage of importance, and what makes it such, is the fact of its being a continuance of similar conduct from last month namely the burning of the School House at Pine Bluff Warren County Tenn. on the 28th Sept 1867. It is the work of incendaries and is the third school house that has been burned in a similar manner in the Sub District within the last two months. It shows the aniumus of the People and on this account it is especially to be regretted. The conduct of the colored people is to be commended, and although the Temperance Movement flags, there is still very little intoxication amongst them. I am in doubts that the good feeling between the employer and employed will last for the next few months, as within that time the settlements upon contracts will be making, and from the disposition shown by many at the present time I think there will be very many cases of litigations a thing that will be ruinous in many ways to the freedmen. It will have the effect of making them neglect their work, distrustful and litigious.

It is gratifying however to report that great