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There is very little change for the better as regards the state of feeling among the people. They let out their whole spite upon the Government and the negroes because cotton is low and as they are likely to lose they blame the Negro, and say he wont work and that it is impossible to employ them and live.

The Negro is having the same trouble that he did last year. Many of the Employers want to cheat him out of all he has made in order to save themselves. They resort to every kind of artifice in order to accomplish this and it is impossible to beat them at every point.

Wherever the Negro has rented land and worked by himself he has made money. I know of several who have made well in this way. There will be more land rented in Giles County the coming year to Negroes than was before. The whites are very much opposed to this and curse a great deal about it but i am sure they will overcome their prejudices enough to take five (5) Dollars per acre for the rent of their land (even if it is from Niggers) before they will let it lay out and do without the money themselves.

J B Coons Agent for Davidson County States,

The only outrage I have to report as committed