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cases have all been tried before Magistrates with occasionally a show of justice being done to the colored man.

Number of Claims for Bounty. arrears of pay &c. received and paid.  None. The tardiness on the part of the Gov't to pay these claims of which there are a great number in this district, is causing a great deal of complaint. And if more of them are not paid before cold weather comes a great many of these claimants will suffer for the necessaries of life. I have heard a great deal of complaint this month in regard to the Collection of Poll Tax from Freedmen which is illegal and some measure should be taken to stop it.

There are but very few destitute freedpeople or Refugees within my district. None dependent upon the Gov't as the few there are supported by relatives and friends.

The schools are all in a flourishing condition with able teachers. The School near Hon'l. S. M. Arnells farm is nearly finished and will soon accomodate a large number of scholars

John L. Wilson. Agent at Johnsonville Farm reports as follows

"I have during the last month paid particular attention to the Colored Schools and their welfare generally. I find they are well attended and