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have competent Teachers. The proposed new school House. I think promises an early commencement and rapid completion - an owner of land has donated two acres for building site and the spot selected is second to none in Johnsonville. 
As regards the condition of the col'd people. I am sorry to report that a large majority of the white people that employ Freedmen will not do justice to them in their settlements. I have had several aggravated cases upon investigation. I had to see one of the parties and obtained judgment the others I had to drop, the parties not having any property that could be reached- It has been reported to me by a reliable person that the citizens living about five miles from this place have had a meeting and passed resolutions that they would discharge all their colored help after Christmas. If they do it will cause a great deal of trouble in the settlement of accounts and contracts. As regards the morality of the colored people here for honesty and industry they will compare favorably with the the whites. There is scarcely any drunkenness. The children attend Sunday and week day school while the grown people attend church on every occasion. There have been but two cases of pauperism which I reported with the proper papers to the County Officers.
I have just received a report of the

Transcription Notes:
This is my first transcription so it will need lots of editing