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following case.
A white man named Pleasant Stribling living about five miles from this place. has a cold Woman living with him as house servant and field hand. and for years has brutally treated her, - whipping her with sticks and clubs - knocking her down with flat irons and skillets so that from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. she is one mass of scabs and scars. The woman is the Mother of a Child two years old and she is compelled to keep it in the hen house. and not allowed to attend to its wants as a mother should. -The col'd people that live with Mr. Stribling are not allowed to talk with her or render any assistance whatever - she is nearly naked - and persons that would clothe her are not allowed to do so. - I would immediately have investigated the case but the justice of the Peace at this place has resigned and there is no constable - It will be two weeks before the election takes place to fill the vacancy and it would be folly to have the case tried in Striblings neighborhood - therefore prefer having the case properly investigated in Johnsonville - 
Thos. J. Rice - agent at Murfreesboro Tenn furnishes the follwoing report.