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large proportion of the freedmen they have not been able to avail themselves of the benefit of it, others have not attended this school because the teachers were not acceptable to them. Your Agent has made several efforts to obtain a teacher through the Rev D. Burt but have thus far failed. I was informed by him that if there were any points in my district where large schools would pay at least teachers board & incidental expenses and there were houses rentable for schools the use of which could be given to the teachers he had a plan by which he thought he could employ teachers. The freedmen of this place have so agreed to furnish said board & expenses & I have applied to the Supt of Education for a teacher but none has been sent. Your Agent is convinced if a good reliable teacher either male or female were sent here a large school could be sustained and the freedmen much benefited. Schools are wanted and needed in other portions of this district. At Alexandria, Carthage, Waltertown and Liberty. At no other place than Lebanon is there a school taught in this district for the freedmen. I would respectfully urge the necessity of teachers being sent to supply these destitute places. 

Morality & religion is taking deep hold in the minds of the freedmen. Churches are being erected