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but it was being disposed of by the place without their consent and in many instances, they were not being paid for the crop so disposed of. There also seems to be a disposition, from what I could learn, on the part of some of the whites, irresponsible parties, that there shall be no Churches or schools established under the auspices of the M. E. Church, North. There is one school under the auspices of that Church being still carried on, the others have been compelled to close for want of support. In that part of the County in the vicinity of Covington, the freedmen are doing very well. At that place, the Magistrates are fair honorable men and justice as a general thing can be secured to all.

The freedmen in the vicinity of Mason's Depot are endeavoring by subscription to secure a fund to build themselves a church, but owing to the hard times their efforts have not been as yet crowned with much success.

On the 5th of the month, between the hours of 6 & 7 o'clock P.M. a freedman named Jake Johnson was murdered at Masons Depot by a white man by the name of Rolla Poindexter. -From Cap0t. Kendricks report the murder