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was a most deliberate and cold blooded affair.  It was committed under the following circumstances: Johnson was walking towards the Depot with a colored woman when Poindexter, who was mounted, on horseback attempted thru several times to ride his horse over him, Johnson getting our of his way each time.  Johnson knowing that Poindexter was drunk did not say anything to him.  Poindexter finding that he could not ride [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] the colored man down or provoke him to any resistance drew his revolver and shot Johnson in the back of the head, the ball lodging over the right eye.  Johnson lived but three hours after being shot.  Poindexter immediately fled to Miss. where he was arrested by the Military.  General Ord sent him in charge of a guard to this State, by whom he was delivered to me on the 25th day of Oct.

I sent Poindexter under guard in the charge of Capt. Kendrick to Covington Tenn. at which place he was turned over to the civil authorities for examination.  On the 28th he was brought before Esquires Townsend, Douglas and Owen and after a lengthy examination he was bound over to the Circuit Court in a Bond of $2000 for murder in