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complained most were not disposed to work when they had opportunity of doing so they are disposed to Congregate in the towns where works is scarce and rents high. And if either cannot be easily obtained they become dissatisfied and complain of injustices done them by the white citizens. I have urged them to go to the Country where work was needed and houses could be had - such as would not work were told should starve and would receive no sympathy or aid from the Bureau or any one else. They therefore went to work & also raised a sufficient amt of funds to pay the board of a teacher.

Much litigation is anticipated about the 1st of Jany next as most of the Contracts will expire about that time. Some have already commenced legal proceeding to prevent the Freedmen from disposing of the crop (or their share) until a final settlement can be had. 

J B Coons, Agent Davidson Co. reports

No outrages have been committed upon the Freedmen of this County during the month of November 1867. Their moral educational and financial condition is excellent, and I know of no official suggestions that I could give which would in any way tend to better the same. 

John L Wilson Agent at Johnsonville Tenn reports as follows