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John L Wilson Agent of Johnsonville Tenn
reports as follows

In obedience to Special Orders No 115 I procured Transportation and went to the Big bottom settlement and to the residence of Mr. Pleasant Stribling where I found the Col'd woman "Athele" and Child. I examined the woman and believe she is not of sound mind caused by cruel treatment. The child has never had the use of its legs, owing to the fact that the mother has not been allowed to give it the attention that mothers usually do to their children. The child is two and half years old (2½) and cannot bear its weight on its legs which are shrunk to skin and bone. both Mother and Child were quartered in a "Hen House" with the chickens without fire Bed or Bedding. Having taken the names of several witnesses I went to Waverly and conferred with the State Atty Mr. Dunlap who next day drew up the indictment and having had reason to doubt the fidelity of the Officers of the Sheriff I went myself to see that the person had been brought to Court, and though the examination and result was private from the public I am assured by the prosecutor, Mr. "Dunlap," that a true Bill had been found. In the meantime I would suggest that something be done for the Woman and Child.

The freedmen of this Dist have done very well in fulfilling their contracts and providing for their families. I am sorry however to say that in numerous instances the white employees have failed to do them justice and for want of a