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be a politician, could be sent up in the Mr. Phillipe place. I think the Directors of this

Sub Dist will employ him after the 1st of Jany and thereby receive the Bureau of the expense of renting the Building. We have started no other schools yet but will be able by the 1st of January to start several through the country under the Common School law.

The trial of James and Eli Shie for the murder of Nelson Franklin Col'd took place in the Circuit Court. The evidence was substantially the same as given before the Committing Court. The Jury rendered a verdict of "Not guilty." Some days after their release a State Warrant was taken out for them by a Col'd man for alleged shooting at him. The evidence not being clear, or rather conflicting, the Magistrate released them.

Joe Tompkins was fined $10.00 & Cost for striking Wash Shaver Col'd with a whip


As the end of the year draws nigh and men begin to talk of settling up, murmurs are heard. Yearly settlements are fruitful of hard feelings and dissatisfaction. Many of the colored people have been working by the year and have had to buy everything from their employer and not being able to keep account themselves.  have depended on their employer. And now are astonished at the amount they owe. No doubt many of them have been charged the highest price for everything but even when that has not been done, they will be hard to convince that they have consumed