Viewing page 15 of 121

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[[3 columned table]]

Lane David | 63 | 23
Lascow Robert | 83 | 29
Lashley Wesley | 207 | 76
Lassiter J.S. | 216 | 79

Lewis Jno | 416 | 163
Leach Thomas | 265 | 98
Leach Henderson | {379 | 145
                | 422 | 166}

Lett Andrew J. | 292 | 109
Lee J. S. Capt | 396 | 154
Leigh James C | 419 | 164
Locklin Jim | 38 | 13
Long Thomas B. | {330 | 125
                | 317 | 120}

Love Mahala   | 351 | 133,