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NARA 330 

War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Washington, D. C., April 15 1867.

Bvt. Maj. Genl. Robt. N. Avery
Asst. Insp. Genl. B.R.F & AL.
Raleigh, N.C. 

In reply to your letter of 12th inst., requesting information as to whether Inspectors General of the Bureau are entitled to the provisions of paragraph 1114, Rev. Army Reg. Ed. 1863, you are respectfully informed that the provisions of the paragraph referred to are understood to relate exclusively to Inspectors General of the Army, and that while it is competent for the Commissioner to authorize the payment of an account for actual cost of transportation of a servant in the case of an Inspector General of the Bureau, the payment of such an account is not authorized under the provisions of paragraph 1114, referred to. 

By command of 
Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard Commisr.
Henry M Whittelsey
Bvt. Brig. Genl. C.Q.M. B.R.F.A.L.