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NARA 334 

of the Freedmens Bureau in Halifax (as he John informs me) says that he has nothing to do with the matter. John will take the children before the County Court which meets next monday & try to get them bound to him. You had better come to Halifax yourself & make your claim or submit the matter to some Lawyer so that the Court may act advisedly in the matter. I will retain the Bond of apprenticeship in my possession until Court week. when I will deposit it with the Post Master at Halifax with instructions to forward it to you if not called for by you or you order before the close of the term of the Court. I regret that you have had so much trouble in the matter but I pray you to be assured that I am willing to abid by the decision of the Court & would have had nothing to do with the boys if I had been cognizant of all the facts. If you come to Halifax I will be very glad to see you at my house & I remain
Most truly Respctfy
P. W. Edmondston

John H. Young Esq.