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This Indenture made and entered into, this the 11th day of February 1866, between B.B. Eskridge of the county of Crittenden, State of Arkansas, of the first part, and certain below named Freedmen, of the second part.

Witnesseth, that the parties of the second part, agree and bind themselves, to labour upon the plantation of said Eskridge, until 1st day Jan 1867. That they will be faithful in the performance of any labour, that may be required of them by said Eskridge or his agent, and obey all reasonable orders for the below named considerations to wit. That said Eskridge binds himself and his heirs, to give Each Freedmen a prorata in the one half, nett proceeds of the cotton crop. It is understood that not over 2 acres of corn per hand. That he will furnish quarters, fuel and pay Doctors Bills - Said Freedmen to pay for all personal supplies, at cash price. Said Eskridge to furnish on his own account Teams, farming implements & [[strikethrough]]feed[[/strikethrough]] forage. The issue of Rations not to exceed 3 1/2 lbs of Pork or Bacon, 1 pint of molasses, and 1 peck of meal per week. It is further understood, that all lost time shall be Deducted, according to the prorata of each in proceeds of crop. When it becomes necessary to discharge, any of the below named Freedmen, by reason of bad behaviour or indolence, he or she, shall be paid at the rates of $15 per month for men, and $11 for women.

In witness whereof, we have hereto affixed our signatures this the  day of Feb 1867.

B. B. Eskridge

Jno. A. Staley
Capt 3d U.S.C.A.H'y.
Supt R.F. & A.L.

J G Whitcomb 

Pampey his X mark Johnson 
Emuel his X mark Challrill 
Jack his X mark Village
Jackson his X mark Williams
John his X mark Thompson

Transcription Notes:
In the original document, the fifth transcribed sentence appears inside of the fourth transcribed sentence. An insertion mark appears after the fourth transcribed sentence (the sentence ending in, “...cotton crop.”) that appears to indicate where that nested sentence should be placed. This is why it appears as the fifth sentence in the transcription.