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This Indenture, made the 6th day of February Eighteen Hundred and 66, between Isaac Bell, of the age of 13 years on the 4th day of June last, of of the County of Dickson State of Tennessee, of the one part, and Elisha Bell of the County of Dickson State of Tennessee of the other part, witnesseth that the said Isaac Bell by and with the consent of said A. P. Nicks signature affixed to this indenture, and by free will and consent of the said [[Strike-through]] A. P. Nicks [[/Strike-through]] hath placed and bound himself apprentice to the said Elisha Bell to learn the trade or business of Farming and with the said Elisha to dwell, continue and serve from the date hereof until the said Isaac Bell shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, which will be on the 6th day of June Eighteen Hundred 73; during all of which time the said apprentice shall well and faithfully serve his said master, keep his secrets and obey his lawful commands. He shall do no damage to his master, no wilfully suffer it to be done by others, and if any to his knowledge is intended, he shall give his master immediate notice thereof. He shall not play at cards, dice, or any unlawful game. He shall not contract matrimony during said term, nor absent himself from the service of his said master, nor haunt or frequent tavern tippling houses, nor gaming houses; but in all things and at all times demean and conduct himself as a good and faithful apprentice