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towards his said master during the whole time aforesaid,

And the said Elisha Bell covenants and agrees with the said Isaac Bell that he will teach and instruct the said or cause him to be taught and instructed in the best and most complete way and manner that he can in the trade or business of farming with all things belonging thereto; and that he will find and allow to the said apprentice good and suitable meat, drink, washing, lodging suitable apparel for working and holy days, and all things fit, convenient and proper for an apprentice during the term aforesaid.

And will also teach to the said apprentice or cause to be taught within said term to read and write and the ground rules of Arithmetic and the Rule of Three, and at the expiration of said term will give until the said Isaac Bell two new suits of clothes suitable to his conditions and twenty dollars in money.

In witness whereof we have hereunto, and to duplicates thereof set our hands and seals the day and year first above written, 
E Bell {Seal}
A P Nicks Supt {Seal}
for Dickson County