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We H Parks & Jess a freedman formerly belonging to sd Parks have entered into the following agreement.

Jess is to work for sd Parks during the year 1866, with the other farm hands. he is to work under the direction of sd Parks as heretofore  is to have one half the corn & cotton he makes and will have a garden patch to himself  is to pay for his provisions and clothing out of his part of the Crop, but they are to be furnished him by sd Parks at their fair value. Said Parks furnishes him a comfortable cabin for his family and if the parties hereto cannot agree upon what is one half of what Jess makes then they are to leave it to two disinterested men to settle it. Sd Parks furnishes every thing necessary to make the crop, and if Jess works at anything else beside the crop repairing fence or moving manure or other necessary work about the farm, He is to be paid for such work at the rate Two Hundred dollars per year

H Parks {s}
Jess Parks his x mark {s}

Jany 4 1865

R H Parks
A.S. Parks
P.K. Wyatt

W B Tipton Supt of Dis 
for Dyer County Tenn

fees paid