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Article of agreement between Mrs C. B Malory & servant Girl Charlotte for the year 1866.

The said girl Charlotte is to cook, wash, iron & attend to any & all domestic duties that may be required of her. Is also to feed & take special care of all stock belong to said Mrs Malory. Is also to cultivate whatever ground Mrs Malory may desire.

Is to be a good & faithful servant & execute any and all orders promptly, that said Mrs Malory may see proper to give. Said Mrs. C B Malory is to furnish said Charlotte with a comfortable room to board her & her two children, to cloath [[clothe]] them comfortably & pay the Doctor bills of the same.

Witness our hand & seal This 25th Dcr 1865. 
C.B. Mallory (Seal)
Charlotte her X mark (seal)
Alex Irvin
J.D. Powell