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January 1 1866

Contract in the home of the United States of America in sum of Four hundred Dollars  Bond. 
I J. E. Bell have this day [[?]] and bound Jack Bell & his family consisting of himself & wife Joannah & two daughters Martha & Cresa they also have two Small children [[strike-through]] which given on there part [[/strike-through]] Said Jack Bell agrees to work himself & family the present year for said J. E. Bell & give him self & family up to to the control of Said Bell and to work under his direction & Controll & to give him Said Bell all of his time for the present year and to perform & have his family to perform there duty faithfully and to obey all reasonable orders by himself & wife or agent for Said Services. I J. E. Bell agree to set apart a sertain parcel of land for Jack & family to work in corn & cotton which is about forty two acres which I am to furnish plough, & horses to cultivate it & fuel & he Jack to get one third of it as his wages for himself & family I J E Bell am to feed said Jack & family, Jack is to pay his Docters Bills & Cloth himself and his family
John E Bell
Jack X Bell
Joanna X Bell
Martha X Bell
Creasey X Bell

J. P. Caldwell
James A. Neal