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Albert. G. Helms agrees to hier freedma David aged 35 years
and his wife Ann aged 27 years the said Helms agrees
to give the said Freedman David and his Wife Ann one
sixth part of the crop that He raises from the year 1866
The said Freedman and wife are to do the said Helms
good work and find their own clothing and pay their own Dr bills, said Helms is to feed them.
Also Malinda aged 45 years and Adaline aged 23 years
and three children, said Helms is to feed and clothe
and pay their Dr bills and the said freeman are to work for the said Helms according to the laws of
the freedmans bureau of Dyer County this  contract
to  end with the year 1866,  A G Helms
WB Tipton Supt &c