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This agreement made and entered into January the 1st 1866 Betten [[between]] [[strikethrough]] Manurva [[/strikethrough]] Kincheon Pitts of the county of Dyre [[Dyer]] and state of Tennessee of the first party and Manurva Anderson a Black Girl of County and State afore said of the second part the Party of the first agrees to pay to the Party of the second Part thirty dollars for the term of twelve months laiber [[labor]] and hur provision and furnish her two calico dresses and hur provisions no more

made of the 2d part agees [[agrees]] to make a good and fathful [[faithful]] hand for the term of twelve months But if she fails to comply with her part of the contract then this ageement [[agreement]] is nul and void Wee have her unto subcrbd  [[subscribed]] our names

Kincheon Pitts
Manurva her X mark Anderson
W. B. Tipton Supt &c

teste [[attested]] by
Mr. Reeling
Wilson Wynne

fee paid

Transcription Notes:
words more phonetic as the page progressed [Internal Revenue Certificate 5 Cents stamp]