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This indenture made this day and entered into between G.R. Edwards of the one part and the following named colored persons of the other part  Viz  Thomas Edwards' wife and six children from one to ten years old. Said Thos & Wife are about thirty five 35 years old each and Abbert Edwards & Wife about 21 years old also John Jim and Nancy 12 years 10 years and 15 years old each do each agree to work with said G.R. Edwards on the following terms  Viz  Said Edwards is to furnish the land, teames, and all the implements to cultivate said land and feed said Thomas, Abbert John James and Nancy but Thomas and Abbert are to feed their families at their own expense or said Edwards will furnish the provision and retain a lean on their interest of the crop untill they have paid for said provision  Each of the above colored person's are to have one third of the corn and cotton or whatever they may raise in A.D. 1866  Each of them are to find their own clothing  Said G.R. Edwards binds himself to feed Martha and her three children Tim 5 years old and Lelui 3 years and infant and furnish no material to said Martha to make their clothing for those three children above mentioned  Said Martha is to cook and wash for said G.R Edwards and the remainder of her time to work for herself and family  all of the above mentioned colored persons are to do whatever is necessary