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State of Tenn Dyer County
Jan the 7 1866

Article of agreement between David Doyle of the one part and the Archer Broom  Mary Broom & Sam'l Broom of the other part 
Witnesseth I the said David Doyle has has hired and Bargained withe the said David Doyle
to hire with him or the said David Doyle for the term of one year for the perpos of doing such labor on and in the servis of said Doyles To wit taken care of the stock and all other attention that is nessary to be don on the farm and about the house such as keeping fiers Cooking washing ironing and all other attention that may be nessary for the comfort and hapiness of the family for which serveses I the sd Doyle do  find and provide 15 or 20 acres of of land Mules or horses suficient to cultivate sd land six acres of which is to be planted in cotton in Due time and the remainder of sd farm planted in corn and well cultivated for which I the said Doyle do give to the said Archy Broom Mary Broom Samuel Broom one third of all  the cotton and corn further more I the said Doyle  to bind my self to find provisions such as is common in such casses for the support of said Archy Broom Mary Broom Samuel Broom and to pay all smiths acts and to furnish tools suitable for cultivating a crop and to Render such protection to the sd