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State of Tennessee Dyer County

Jany 1th 1866

Agreement between W J Featherton Citizen of said County & Caroline Pierce a freedwomen of said County (aged 36) & her five children agrees on her part to remain at home with her former owner him agreeing to [[strikethrough]] clothe them comfortable clothing [[/strikethrough]] give good & Substantial Rations good quarter & give them a patch & time to work it - the woman for herself & the five children and that she represents agrees to do good and faithful work & pay her owne medical bills  Lizy a woman aged 30 & her one child agrees to and obligates her self to comply with the agreement above specified & Featherston obligates himself to observe the same.
W. J. Featherston

W. B. Tipton
Supt of District of Dyer County Ten