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Know all men by these presents, THAT G W Moore
of the County of Gibson, State of Tennessee, are held and firmly bound the United States of America, in the sum of five hundred Dollars, for the payment of which I bind myself by these presents, in this Contract; That I am to furnish the persons whose names are subjoined, (freed laborers,) Quarters, Fuel, substantial and healthy Rations, [[strikethrough]] all necessary Medical Attendence, and Supplies in case of sickness,[[/strikethrough]] and to pay the said freed persons,
Moses & wife & 2 children & Easter & Jim 
& Tom Martha & Harry

part of the crop which may be made by them

2. That the said G W Moore is to furnish acres of land, and horses and farming utensils necessary to work said land.

3. And the said subjoined freed persons are to work under the direction of the employer & not leave in working hours without his consent & feed stock cut firewood & make fires

4. She laborers to be paid in full before the final disposal of the crop, which is to be raised by them on my plantation, in the County of Gibson and State of Tennessee.

5. This contract to commence with this date, and close with the year.

Given in duplicate, at Trenton Tenn this 1 day of January 1866.
John W Jones
at Trenton Supt. of Dist.
HD Neilson clk

{SJ Chester
{HD Neilson
Registered at 186