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December 30th 1865

Know all men by these presence that RH Walton has This day imployed John McNeil and his wife for the year 1866 the agree amount is as follows RH Walton agrees to furnish each of these with two somers and one winter suits of cloths each a pear of shoes and socks and one blanket and two dollars per month medical attention (said John McNeil to pay his childs doctors bills) a sufficiency of wholesome rations two acres of land to plant in cotton also a potatoe and melon pach They are also to have Satturday of each wee to be Their free time except They are to attend to Their regular bussiness mornings and evenings of Satturdays and Sundays his wife to cook dinner by turn with other women imployed on The farm - Satturdays and Sundays - Said John is with other men and boys that are imployed by turn to bridle and put up horses (when cald on (of nights & Sundays) and doo all such like business They are to work faithful and industriously and are to strive to advance The interest of their imployer and to obey all proper orders and conduct themselves properly

Jno x McNeil

L L Mann
I. T. Knight

Approve Jany 1st 1866
John D. Ussery
By Jas G. W. Fermich ASO

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