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Hardman County Tenns January 2nd 1866
Contract for labor between B.L. Whitmore party of the 1st part and Manson & family Danieli Abby & family & Lucy & Berry Pruett of the 2nd part of the said B.L. Whitmore of the 1st part agrees to furnish land and five horses or mules to work & what corn and fodder that is on the plantation
and fifteen hundred pounds of pork and is to furnish half the farming utensils. The said laborers are to work said land according to said Whitmores direction are to furnish half the farming utensils and do all necessary repairing on the plantation and to furnish fire wood for family use and said Manson & family Danieli Abby & family & Lucy is to have half the crop and
Berry Pruett is to have one third of his proportion and the said B.L. Whitmore is to have
half of all that is made once the farm &
said Laborers and to pay Berry and all other hands that they employ out of their half
of their crop and the said laborers are to feed all Stock that they may have out of their half of the crop.

B.F. Whitemore
Manson & family
Abby & family

H. Mitchell
B.F. Whitmore

Approved Janry 24th 1866
John D. Upery Supt RF&AL
By J.G.W. Fenwick ast.