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State of Ten
Hardmon cty
Articles of agreement Between W H Horn of the
first part and Jos Spinks & Levin Moore
of the second part. said W. Horn agrees to
furnish a sufficient quantity of land team 
feeds and tools said Horn agrees to Bord said Jos Spinks & Levin M during said year to it 1866 the above named freedmen agree to make faithful bonds to take good care of team and tools said Horn agrees to give them one third of all the cotton corn fodder that is made by said freedmen in said year the said W H Horn further agrees to 
Bord said Jos Spinks wife and two children for their services for said year that is cooking washing and milking. The said freedmen agree not to leave the plantation the said year without the consent 
of said W H Horn. Witness our hands at office this 28 Decr 1865
W H Horn       
Jos Spinks
Lewis Moore
R L McNeece
J J Minton
Approved at office this the 28th Der 1865
John D. Ussery
Agt R F & A L